Woodland teaches the Balanced Seat position.
Balanced Seat Equitation prepares the rider, regardless of age, for many disciplines of horseback riding.
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overall excellent equitation
To explain, below is useful information from
“We often hear instructors and clinicians talking about the "balanced seat", and how important it is to effective horse riding. It stands to reason that without a balanced seat, the rider is UNbalanced! But what we don't hear often is what is actually balanced about the balanced seat, and how to achieve it! So here are a few thoughts.
Stay With The Horse
In order to stay with the horse's movement, the seat has to at once move but also not move too much. If the horse moves, the seat HAS to follow along, and dance the dance that it is receiving from the horse's back. But if it moves TOO much - far beyond the horse's movement - then, it's a flopping seat and it can actually unbalance the horse! So the difficult trick is to teach your body to stay with the horse but to also stay toned and strong, especially through the core, where most of the horse's movement is received and absorbed.
A balanced seat allows you to stay with your horse. Your upper body moves little and doesn't fall forward or backward. It doesn't lean or collapse left or right. It also allows you to use your aids more effectively, with less "noise" (so there's less to confuse the horse), and with more clarity.”
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image from horseanswerstoday.com