For our Show Team Parents
We have learned how to get our horses and riders put together. Now let's see what our parents need to know.
Nerves aren't just for the kids. Parents can get quite anxious about making sure their rider is prepared, any forms are filled out, payments for lessons and shows taken care of, on time for everything, food and drink for the show day loaded into the car. All sorts of stuff to do..and not do! Let's pretend mom's name is Kathy and our riders name is Betty.
Parent Do's...
Be prepared! Bring everything you think you need whether Betty thinks it's a good idea or not. We are the adults and have more life experience. Too much preparation is better than not enough.
Be ready! With hugs, Kleenex and some personal needed. If things don't go as well as hoped there could be some tears and everyone responds differently to a certain level of dissapointment.
Be the Chef. Encourage Betty to take care of herself. Riders can forget to eat and drink. Show day are long and tiring. A little bite of a sandwich and a couple sips of water or Gatoraide often will help.
Be smart! Take care of yourself! I am always better for my students if I eat and drink too! Keeps a smile on my face.
Parent Dont's...
Don't question the Judge. In parents eyes their kids are the best in the ring. No doubt! But...on the show day the judge has the final say. Never question the placings or the judges eyesight. Remember...this is one persons opinion on one day...only!
Don't question your riders coach. Kathy may think Betty should do X, Y and Z when Betty is really only ready for R, S and T. Betty's coach knows her well and has trained her to be ready to show in certain classes. The rule is to always show down a level you are schooling so everyone is super-confident in the sometimes stressful show ring.
Don't Overbook!! Be careful to not schedule other things on afternoons or evenings of a show day. Shows can run rather long. Also, you will be tired and there is more work to do when we get back to the barn. Foe example, put your horse away completely cool and groomed again. Clean the trailer. Take care of your tack...and anything else the coach needs done. Nobody likes to rush or be rushed. It usually makes for a not nice "taste in the mouth" after an otherwise fun day.
Show days are really fun, and really long, and full of challenges! AND, so rewarding in every way!! If we as the adults are prepared for anything and think of ourselves as the support crew then show days will go as smoothly as possible! Well done Kathy and Betty!